About Goodwill

Goodwill has a proud tradition of being a supportive and caring community that delivers outstanding educational training and wide opportunities for all students. Our engaging curriculum and dedicated staff has created a teaching and learning environment where each students will not only be supported to achieve the highest level of success, of which they are capable, but will also be encouraged to be responsible, thoughtful, honest, respectful and confident.

Principal Words

Everyonehas dreams and without dedication it is like a body without soul. When such dreams turn into reality, it makes a mark on time. We need to be among those unique human beings who have left an incredible mark on the lives and minds of other people.

Education does not confine to the state-of-the-art infrastructure, well furnished labs, well stacked libraries or the equipments. It goes beyond books and bricks, it builds character, enriches minds in a manner so as to prepare the students to face the challenges of this world free of stress, making them fit for the real and corporate world automatically and naturally.


At Goodwill English School, our guiding philosophy is to provide an education that is the confluence of knowledge and character. Our emphasis is to provide the most modern and sophisticated learning environment finely blended with correct value system and traditional ethics making the students stick to their roots. The school provides a platform to the students to explore their hidden individual as well as group talents making learning an enriching experience that lasts forever.