Welcome to Goodwill School

Our school infrastructure includes suitable places to learn. This is the one of most basic elements necessary to ensure the access to education. School class rooms are the most common place in which structured leaning takes place. We possess digital class rooms for advanced leaning process. Full- fledged computer lab for giving technology access to the students.

Goodwill has a proud tradition of being a supportive and caring community that delivers outstanding educational training and wide opportunities for all students. Our engaging curriculum and dedicated staff has created a teaching

and learning environment where each students will not only be supported to achieve the highest level of success, of which they are capable, but will also be encouraged to be responsible, thoughtful, honest, respectful and confident.


Our school possess 10 to 15 years of experienced, vibrant and well trained acclaimed faculty members for each subject. Teachers are the sole pillars of our school, who develops and mould a child from their grass root level being their surrogate parents


Goodwill endeavour students to understand, contribute and succeed in a rapidly changing society. We provide a flamboyant forum for quality education with a scientific temper, adaptive to the changing needs of time to ensure all-round development of the child and expose him/her to a wide spectrum of co-cultural learning which is essential to make the child confident and ready to step out in today’s challenging world.


To become the most reserved educational institution by grooming the new generation child of today to be a capable, responsible , performing citizen and enabling growth holistically by creating a comfortable leaning environment.

Good will English School
for maintaining the highest standards

Goodwill Kinderland

Goodwill Primary School

Goodwill Middle School

Goodwill Senior School

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